Daily Inspiration: “Surround yourself with optimists. Always ignore the pessimists!”
March 22, 2017, BY JimCarroll"Surround yourself with optimists. Always ignore the pessimists!" - Jim Carroll Some of the most...
Your Customers Know More Than You Do: Do You Accept That, And What Will You Do About It? Here Are 10 Things You SHOULD Do!
March 15, 2017, BY JimCarrollDoes your organization have the right stuff to deal with todays' information-empowered,...
What Are the CEO’s worried About? Getting the Right Skills at the Right time for the Right Purpose!
March 14, 2017, BY JimCarrollSo ... last week I was in Miami, and did a talk on business disruption, transformation and...
Trend: Smart Homes Will be Smarter Than You Think – Who, Why, Where? And a Look Back to 1999!
March 14, 2017, BY JimCarrollAs with anything, the opportunity around the idea of the 'smart home', and the reality of what...
Daily Inspiration: “Agility is the only antidote for velocity”
March 13, 2017, BY JimCarroll"Agility is the only antidote for velocity" - Jim Carroll Many organizations engage me for an...
Innovation challenge: “We need customers to like to do business with us”
January 19, 2017, BY JimCarrollAt this point in my career, 70% of my keynotes are for leadership meetings, many involving...
10 Innovation Problems of Big Companies
January 18, 2017, BY JimCarrollOver the last 25 years, many CEOs of Fortune 1000's and other companies have brought me in for...
Accelerating Leadership: Here’s a CEO/Board Strategy Session with Futurist Jim Carroll!
December 16, 2016, BY JimCarrollWhile I find myself doing keynotes in Las Vegas, Orlando and Phoenix for audiences of up to...
10 Things That are True About the Future
December 2, 2016, BY JimCarrollIn my keynotes, I often talk about how the rate of change -- whether with business models,...
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