Trend : The impact of crowdfunding / crowdsourcing on R&D
September 29, 2014, BY JimCarrollGE is running an article, A Fresh Perspective from Many Minds, that explores the impact of...
Live text message polling – on stage for the PGA!
April 27, 2011, BY JimCarrollMy recent post about using a live text message poll while speaking to a group of high school...
Article: The medium is the message (social networks and brands)
February 1, 2011, BY JimCarrollHere's an article from my September 2010 CAMagazine column: [caption id="attachment_6636"...
Video: Reaching the new demographic : Social networking trends!
January 31, 2011, BY JimCarrollIn a clip from his keynote for the 94th Annual General Meeting of the PGA, Jim takes a look at the...
What are retailers worried about? Consumer interaction and location!
June 16, 2010, BY JimCarrollI just came from giving a keynote for the annual conference of a major customer loyalty...
“We shop faster” – the new fast world of retail, food and consumer products
June 10, 2010, BY JimCarrollHere's a summary of my observations from a keynote I did in New York City for retailers, agencies,...
What Pat Boone’s App Says About the Future of Branding!
May 10, 2010, BY JimCarrollHere's an article that I wrote for the spring issue of Marketline, for the BCAMA. Some good...
Location is the new intelligence
April 28, 2010, BY JimCarrollIt's big, and its' getting bigger! That's the location intelligence industry, which is resulting...
Why social networking is like teenage sex
April 12, 2010, BY JimCarrollI used this a lot in the past, but it's probably good to repeat it here; maybe there is a little...
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