Self-driving cars, electric vehicles, the future of intelligent highways and smart infrastructure. I was invited in to give a talk to local and state business officials, senior government representatives, economic development officials and many more, in order that they might have a good understanding of the implications and challenges. A good part of the message examined the economic development opportunities that might come to a region by aligning to these trends.
Earlier this week, I was a keynote speaker at HealthAchieve 2014, one of the largest healthcare conferences in North America. My talk was centered around the theme of ‘Healthcare 2020.”
I was thrilled to see that my talk was going to be ‘graphically recorded’ in real-time. Here’s the result!
Click on the image for an expanded view.
The work was done by Liisa Sorsa at ThinkLinkGraphics.
In this clip, I’m doing the opening keynote for the American Society of Testing Professionals — and I am speaking about how the new generation of students acquires and ingests knowledge. Food for thought in terms of disruption of the education industry!
What’s fascinating is the story I tell – how one of my sons has figured out how to get involved in the outsourcing of computer gaming! Worth a watch – and worth thinking about!
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