Legacy no longer matters – it’s what you do next that counts!
Legacy no longer matters – it’s what you do next that counts! Here’s why!
Read MoreFuturist Jim Carroll has quickly become recognized as your ‘go-to source’ for effective insight on what comes next, the strategies that you consider, and the leadership path you need to follow.
If you keeping doing the same old thing, you’ll
end up with the same old thing!
Legacy no longer matters – it’s what you do next that counts! Here’s why!
Read MoreIn an era of dramatic and relentless change, people and organizations are scrambling to align themselves for a new, topsy-turvy world. Jim Carroll comes to the rescue with his keynote, The Masters in Business Imagination which will inspire your team to adopt relentless creativity and innovation as core virtues. Once you ‘graduate’ from his MBI […]
Read More“Stop recessionating. Start growthinating!” – Futurist Jim Carroll Since this is my Daily Inspiration on my blog, I get to make up words. So I did! Enough of this recession talk already – its’ self-defeating. We’re already in one – and by the time you and others finish debating that fact, smart folks will have […]
Read MoreWatch this. Tell me you aren’t guilty of it. “Futurist Jim Carroll on stage opening the Swiss Innovation Forum, taking a look at organizational sclerosis that holds back so many organizations from their ability to pursue the future!”
Read More“Innovation is simple. Study the future. Do what you need to get there as a winner. Do it again!” – Futurist Jim Carroll People always tend to ask me for my ‘secrets’ for innovation and future success. I’m not a big fan of trying to find an easy way out of hard work, but if […]
Read MoreFuturist Jim Carroll on stage for the National Council of Prescription Drug Programs, outlining his framework to rethink the concept of innovation. What are you going to do to align yourself to a difefrent future?
Read More“Rules for disruptive success: Bold beats old, fast beats slow, small beats big, serendipity beats strategy….” – Futurist Jim Carroll Your business model won’t look the same in ten years, nor will your industry. The disruptors are the sharks in the water, circling around you, eager to pounce upon your moment of weakness. They’re fast, agile, bold, […]
Read More“Excel at seizing opportunities, not fads!” – Futurist Jim Carroll While the crypto world continues its meltdown all around us, are there many CEOs who are being kept up at night? Not really. Not in my client base of global Fortune 5000 organizations – what with economic volatility, supply chain issues, staffing challenges, and other things, […]
Read MoreI do a lot of Fortune 1000 leadership events – and it’s important that my leadership keynote speaks to the concept of innovation in a way that is relevant to everyone in the room. Here’s a clip where I am reframing the concept so that it doesn’t seem like something mystical, out of reach, and difficult […]
Read MoreHow do you master innovation? Through the powerful story in this video clip, I point out the challenges that organizations face with the different generations in the workplace — and introduce the concept of “generational collaborative capability” as being a key component of successful innovation.
Read MoreWhat holds back a lot of innovation in organizations is a culture of “aggressive indecision.” What is it? It’s a form of organizational sclerosis that I’ve been writing about and speaking about on stage for almost two decades — indeed, since the dot.com bust 20 years ago! I thought it might be a good time […]
Read MoreMany organizations have failure embedded into their DNA. They build up a culture of aggressive indecision, which guarantees a slow culture that provides them a boat anchor in the era of acceleration. Jim Carroll identifies, on stage, both the cultural killers and the practical strategies that must be pursued to breakthrough! Jim is the world’s […]
Read MoreStuck in a rut? Stop it! Here’s a list of things you could and should be doing right now: study something new play more think “clear and present opportunities” be an optimist spend more time with visionaries don’t cling to your past be your own futurist think bigger banish inaction stop studying, start doing champion […]
Read MoreFuturist Jim Carroll with a clip from a keynote for Philips Medical Devices – with the basic message that the product they are selling is no longer a single, standalone product. Instead, it’s become a hyper-connected, highly intelligent medical device, leading them into selling a service based on some sort of AI medical thing. It’s […]
Read MoreIn this clip, I’m on stage at the Big M Manufacturing Conference in Detroit, with a keynote on trends impacting the global manufacturing industry. In this clip, I’m speaking to the issue of ‘revenue reinvention’ – how a world of rapid production innovation, faster product obsolescence, and collapsing product lifecycles are leading to a reality […]
Read MoreFuturist Jim Carroll on a massive stage with an audience of thousands – speaking to the issue of the speed of change. Are you ready for what’s next?
Read MoreDisruption is real, it’s big, and it’s happening faster than you think. Individually, any trend is disruptive. Combine them together, and it’s transformative. Legacy is death: agility and speed are the new metrics for success. No one company can do everything that needs to be done in an era of fast change. I speak at […]
Read MoreI spend a LOT of time doing talks at corporate meetings; often, a CEO or CxO leadership event for a Fortune 1000 company. There’s usually some big issue on the table – a disruptive trend, massive industry change, or a new competitor that is setting the pace. My job is, in opening these critical offsite […]
Read MoreA short clip from a recent keynote for Cain Watters in Phoenix – I’m speaking to 400 dentists who managed sophisticated, leading-edge dental practices on how to accelerate their creativity with future trends – by focusing on what I call The Masters in Business Imagination!
Read MoreHere’s a big issue to wrap your head around – increasingly, your opportunity for future success will come from your ability to get the timing right! That issue has been the focus of an increasing number of my keynotes as of late: a recent one in the construction sector a company that manages large scale […]
Read MoreIn 2003, SAP had me in for a keynote on innovation; I was transitioning from being a technology-oriented speaker to my role as a futurist, innovation, and creativity expert. It was a hell of a keynote – they ended up rebooking me for about 30 events through the next 3 years, and was a speech […]
Read MoreMany people have a belief system that has them convinced that the world of tomorrow will look much like it does today, with the result that when they are confronted by the future, they dismiss it. Of course, they laughed at me. It’s ok. I get used to it. Often, by laughing at both you […]
Read MoreSince August 2016, due to a variety of complex personal situations, I began blogging my “Daily Inspiration” posts. First thing, every morning, before I start anything else during the day. I call it my ‘silent moment of meditation’ as I motivate myself – and others – with some sort of post about the future, innovation, […]
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