Keynote: AI In Clinical Pharma Trials – Icon PLC Dublin, Ireland
January 12, 2024, BY JimCarrollThis global pharmaceutical powerhouse manages massive drug trials worldwide - for example, leading...
Keynote: Invisalign / Aligntech : The Future of Dentistry Post-Pandemic, London, UK
September 24, 2022, BY JimCarrollThe acceleration of dental science. The emergence of dental bio-materials and living tissue...
Keynote : Cain Watters – The Future of Dentistry and the Masters of Business Imagination
February 24, 2022, BY JimCarrollCain Watters specializes in wealth management for high-end dental practices, and invited Jim in for...
Keynote: Boehringer Ingelheim, Toronto, Ontario – Innovation Opportunities in the Future of Healthcare
October 9, 2019, BY JimCarrollThe Canadian arm of this global pharmaceutical company brought together a small team that is...
Keynote: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Chicago, IL – The Acceleration of Healthcare in the Era of Exponentiation
October 8, 2019, BY JimCarrollThe Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) represents the...
Keynote: Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Chicago, IL : Healthcare 2025 and the Big Disruption!
October 3, 2019, BY JimCarrollThis organization brought together 300 of their members who are focused on advancing,...
Keynote: Pfizer, Paris, France: The Acceleration of Healthcare
July 18, 2019, BY JimCarrollThe rapid evolution of genomic science, the acceleration of gene therapy, the virtualization of...
Keynote: National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, Phoenix : “Dare to Disrupt”
May 9, 2019, BY JimCarroll"Dare to Disrupt!" That was the theme for this healthcare and pharma focused event in...
Keynote: American Association of Orthopaedic Executives, Nashville: The Acceleration of Healthcare
May 7, 2019, BY JimCarroll3D printed body parts. The acceleration of medical science and the rapid emergence of new...
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