“Volatility is the new normal”
December 15, 2005, BY JimCarrollI recently keynoted the Furniture Today 2005 Leadership conference in Miami. This article...
A Keynote for the Swiss Innovation Forum
November 1, 2005, BY JimCarrollIt has been confirmed -- I'm one of the keynote speakers for the upcoming Swiss Innovation...
Government Finance Officers Association 2005 in San Antonio, Texas
June 7, 2005, BY JimCarrollI'll be keynoting the Government Finance Officers Association annual conference later this...
Nestle keynote
May 3, 2005, BY JimCarrollBack in January, the Chairman of Nestle observed that "private label is for me the expression...
Keynote: US Army Corps of Engineers
April 20, 2005, BY JimCarrollOn Tuesday, I will be doing a keynote on behalf of the CIO of the US Army Corps of Engineers...
Keynote – The skills crisis
March 31, 2005, BY JimCarrollSome months back, I wrote in a column that "one of the most challenging issues that you will...
Techvibes Massive Tech Conference and Expo – Vancouver
February 24, 2005, BY JimCarrollI've been asked to keynote this event on March 30th. My session description: "We live in an...
Business trends, health care, skills crisis — and more!
October 4, 2004, BY JimCarrollWhere did September go? In a hectic month, I gave keynote presentations in London, Montreal,...
Chicago to London
September 28, 2004, BY JimCarrollI'm in Chicago today, doing a talk on "The future of healthcare" for a large health care...
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