It’s 2020: Time to SuperCharge Your Thinking!
January 6, 2020, BY JimCarrollI've been blogging since early 2002, and have a ton of insight within my site. One of my...
At the End of 2019, Do You Have Any Idea What Your 2030 Will Look Like?
December 29, 2019, BY JimCarrollProbably not. So watch the video below. Then, read my post, 20 Trends into 2030: Are You Ready...
Daily Inspiration: “Transformation is the new innovation!”
December 6, 2019, BY JimCarroll“Transformation is the new innovation!” - Futurist Jim Carroll The speed of change is...
You’re Structured For Slow In the Era of Fast – And You Know It’s True!
December 5, 2019, BY JimCarrollGuess what! You’re structured for slow in the era of fast! You’ve got a boat anchor puling...
Daily Inspiration: “Committees are the black holes of the corporate universe – it’s where innovation goes to die….”
December 5, 2019, BY JimCarroll“Committees are the black holes of the corporate universe - it’s where innovation goes to die,...
10 Surefire Ways to Kill Creativity, Innovation and Strategy!
December 2, 2019, BY JimCarrollYou know that you are failing. Ideas are being lost, opportunities are being squandered, initiative...
The 10 Words That Can Jumpstart Your Innovation Efforts!
November 26, 2019, BY JimCarrollLast month, the Entrepreneur and Family Business Council of DePaul University had me in for a talk...
Daily Inspiration: “…incremental innovation? A continuous series of mistakes…”
November 19, 2019, BY JimCarroll“The best definition of incremental innovation? A continuous series of mistakes, each of them...
What is Innovation? This Is!
November 12, 2019, BY JimCarrollRethink it! It's about asking yourself three questions - what can I do to run the business...
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