Daily Inspiration: “Creativity capital, experiential capital, collaborative capital, generational capital – these are now the new requirements necessary for innovation success!”
February 8, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Creativity capital, experiential capital, collaborative capital, generational capital - these are...
Daily Inspiration: “Disruptive trends never wait for those who are structured for slow in a world of fast!”
November 23, 2022, BY JimCarroll"Disruptive trends never wait for those who are structured for slow in a world of fast!" - Futurist...
Daily Inspiration: “When it comes to the future, it’s the structure, not just the strategy, that matters!”
September 19, 2022, BY JimCarroll"When it comes to the future, it's the structure, not just the strategy, that matters!" -...
Daily Inspiration: “Visionaries chase vague opportunities in the face of massive uncertainty in order to find an unknown, elusive future reality!”
August 12, 2022, BY JimCarroll"Visionaries chase vague opportunities in the face of massive uncertainty in order to find an...
Experiential Capital – What it is, and Why You Need it!
April 26, 2022, BY JimCarrollDo things that have a vague objective, unknown potential for success and an absolutely uncertain...
Daily Inspiration: “…incremental innovation? A continuous series of mistakes…”
November 19, 2019, BY JimCarroll“The best definition of incremental innovation? A continuous series of mistakes, each of them...
Daily Inspiration: “….Experiential capital is the new capital for the 21st century!”
August 26, 2019, BY JimCarroll“There’s no time to learn, to study, to plan. With that being your new reality, figure out what...
Daily Inspiration: “If time is money – invest in yourself wisely!”
August 12, 2019, BY JimCarroll“If time is money - invest in yourself wisely!” - Futurist Jim Carroll Every day...
Daily Inspiration: “Determination will give you focus, but experience will make you stronger!”
February 22, 2019, BY JimCarroll“Determination will give you focus, but experience will make you stronger!” - Futurist Jim...
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