“The inconceivable depth of the incomprehensible failure that we are living through is overshadowed only by the breathtaking scope of the staggering incompetence that we are witnessing within your decisions!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
I must admit, it must take a certain skill at the ability to make so many bad decisions, and then reverse them in such a short time, once the brilliant idiocy that lay within them becomes patently obvious in the face of crushing public pushback.
In other words – playgrounds?
If you live anywhere in the world right now, you might be aware of what is happening in Ontario, Canada, and more broadly, in other parts of our country. We are failing, and failing fast. Our ICU’s are full; our medical system is at the brink; our healthcare staff are beyond burnout; our vaccine rollout is simply, to be kind, ‘world-class’ only when compared to Soviet-era logistics systems.
People are dying.
Heck, we even made The Washington Post.
I desperately try to avoid political commentary in my Daily Inspiration post – over almost 5 years, that’s been tough to do!
But right now, where I live, it reminds of me of that situation with Charlie Brown and the football. Our government keep on trying, and keeping on missing, falling flat. The implications, though, are more severe. They are not just falling flat on their back as they miss the ball – more people are dying, and the virus rages on.
The latest? We’ve gone into yet another ‘mockdown.’ That’s is a consequential lockdown that is essentially inconsequential. It’s a closure in which nothing is closed. It’s an effort that isn’t really an effort – it’s a show with a bad plot.
What did they do? They shutdown playgrounds (a decision hastily reversed on the weekend), most outside sports that have led to absolutely ZERO cases of transmission (golf, tennis), and sought to criminalize people who are working hard to be respectful of the rules for their daily actions, i.e. going for a walk (a decision that most police departments quickly announced they would completely ignore.)
What did they not do? They did nothing to deal with the reality – and the source of the outbreaks – driven by the science of variants. And so our accelerating numbers will continue accelerating pretty much as before. Warehouses, manufacturing facilities, construction – none of it will stop today. Essentially, every worker is essential in a time when essential work is ‘banned’, because it would seem that all work is essential.
What did they do? They once again completely ignored the advice of the scientists and medical community: attack the source of the problem. People in our hard hit communities – new immigrants, multiple families in a home, dire socio-economic circumstances – willo continue to go to work because they are fearful of losing their job. Construction sites will continue working at full speed.
And you’ll see some ridiculous theater as police are placed at the Quebec and Manitoba border to stop travellers – which will do NOTHING because that is not the root of the problem.
What needs to be done? The medical community – your own advisors – have told you. Put in place ‘paid sick days’. Close all construction except that which is absolutely critical. Come up with a real list of ‘essential’. Vaccine triage the hotspots – the socio-economic communities which are sadly bearing the brunt of this third wave.
The scientists and medical community are telling you exactly what to do. Do it!
Enough with mockdowns. We are sick of it, and we need a way out.
And we are sick of your raging incompetence.
Happy Monday! I’ll return to my regular ‘daily optimism and inspiration’ tomorrow, but right now, I’m pretty dispirited.
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