Daily Inspiration: “Never doubt for a moment the potential benefit of initiative!”


“Never doubt for a moment the potential benefit of initiative!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

I can sense the tide is turning – some people are realizing their ‘wishful thinking’ on going ‘back to normal’ is really just ‘delusional desire.’

I’m sensing that real leaders are coming to realize we aren’t going ‘back to where we were,’ and that they can’t just wish the virus away. (Well, some do, but they apparently have difficulties drinking water and walking down ramps too.) The smart ones have known this already for a long period of time.

In my industry? Since mid March, the buzz with a lot of industry people that convention and meetings would return in the fall.  I always doubted this from the start – the virus has no respect for desire. And despite the best laid hopes, those hopes are being dashed – there is a growing recognition – even over the last several days – that the concept of getting several hundred or several thousand people together in a room for an event simply won’t be happening! Autumn in-person events are now being cancelled like dominoes…..

Reality bites!

Well, d’oh.

Look, there is no ‘new normal’ – I hate that phrase! The best we can hope for in this ‘strange new world’ is defining our ow path for a different future. The attitude that will get you there is that you’ve got to make the most of it – by taking initiative. You can’t wait for others to define your future – you simply need to go out and build yourself a new one.

I’ve been working really, really hard at that, and I am finally sensing that it is coming together. I knew I had to do it – I think I came to know after my last Las Vegas event in mid-February that my stage life would be over for a long, long time to come. I love my time on stage, and it’s a massive adrenaline hit when you walk out on a Las Vegas stage like the one in the picture, in front of thousands. Like Supertramp said.

But that life is over, for a long, long time. So I knew I had to build a new one – and I’ve toiled away in my basement studio, investing the time, learning the ropes, understanding the technology, overcoming my frustrations, taking deep breaths, and learning how to crash and fail to win.

And it’s coming together. I can sense from some recent communications that clients are beginning to wake up from their tragic slumber. They’re realizing this online world is their world too – there is no going back to live, in person events for at least a year, if not more. And if they are to move their leadership and team forward with initiative, they’ve got to take the initiative with powerful online insight.

They need someone with content, insight, research, trends – and who can deliver in in a small 27″ virtual screen.

They are finding me!

I don’t mind boasting that I think I’m getting close to finding the formula, mastering the format, nailing the delivery, energizing my energy in front of a small little lens in a 6×12 studio.

I’m ready for you world! You’ll know I’m ready and waiting for you when you are. Because, virtually together!


THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.