The Reality of the Future of Education: Delivering Knowledge Not Yet Invented!

Category under: Blog, Education, Uncategorized

You need to deliver knowledge that you aren’t yet aware of, for jobs that don’t yet exist, to a group of people who don’t know that they will need it. And you need to do it yesterday!

That was my opening observation for an education conference a short time ago, and it captures the realty of our world today.

Here’s a clip where I tell this story on stage. Watch it and learn!

The quote pretty well sums up my keynote, and captures the essence of the issues the education industry faces today. Things are now changing so fast that the realties of our world are

  • rapid knowledge obsolescence, and the rapid emergence of new knowledge;
  • the disappearance of existing careers and the arrival of new ones;
  • and the predominance of just-in-time knowledge.

Simply put, people need the ability to get the right knowledge at the right time for the right purpose.

The education industry is one that is most subject to disruption, and yet in many ways, the slowest to change. It’s a complex industry with complex issues – and no one is quite certain as to the path forward.

Over the years, I’ve done keynotes for many massive education conferences with a very specialized focus : the global WorldSkills Conference in Sao Paolo, the annual conference for the College Board (administrators of the LSAT’s and other tests), the Institute for Credentialing Excellence, the American Society of Testing Professionals and many more.

All of these talks have focused on the acceleration of knowledge and what educators must due to align to the realty fo what happens as the era of knowledge acceleration takes hold. As an educator, are you ready? Watch these clips, and ask yourself again.

I also hit the topic of knowledge in my daily inspirational quotes, because I’m a believer that it is the issue of teaching people how to learn what they will need to learn that will be the key to success!

I have a very specialized keynote topic about this over on my education topic page:

The Future of Education: Rethinking Opportunity in the Era of Knowledge Velocity

Sixty five percent of the children who are in pre-school today will work in a job or career that doesn’t yet exist. Half of what students learn in their first year at college is obsolete or revised—by the time they graduate. Fifty percent of the US gross domestic product will be taken up by training and knowledge activities within the decade. With all of these changes at hand, futurist, trends and innovation expert Jim Carroll helps some of the world’s leading educational organizations and institutions make sense of this rapidly evolving future.

Jim challenges audiences to think about innovation in the education sector that takes on bold goals to deal with a reality that has rapid knowledge obsolescence and emergence, the disappearance of existing careers and the emergence of new careers, an ongoing need for continuous knowledge replenishment and the migration of knowledge generation further away from academia. There’s a massively increased challenge from overseas knowledge generation, the fast emergence of new micro-careers, an economy that succeeds through knowledge deployment and a fundamental transformation in the role of educational institutions. In other words: much of the education structure that we have in place today doesn’t match the reality of what we really need to do, given the rapid change occurring in the fundamentals of knowledge—which is why innovative thinking in the field of education today is more important than ever before.

In this keynote presentation, Jim provides concise insight that links a wide variety of global, social, demographic, scientific, technological, business and other trends to the impact on education. He provides an understanding on the velocity of change impacting the industry, and why we need to rethink the context of “how we teach” in light of the realities that has knowledge growing exponentially, the foundation of knowledge generation forever changed and global social networks challenging traditional education delivery models. The reality is that the exponential growth of knowledge leads to massive career specialization—we are in the midst of a fundamental structural organizational and career change, and by 2025 or sooner, it will be all about “just-in-time knowledge.”


THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.