“Never let your success get in the way of your focus on succeeding!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
‘’ I went into the local grocery store near my ski chalet yesterday, and my picture was on a poster on the wall! It’s for event I’m doing in a few weeks; I’ll speak for the local Chamber of Commerce for their annual meeting. That kind of freaked me out.
The event is not my usual type of gig ; at thsi point in my career, I’m getting the ‘big stages’ in New York, Las Vegas, and Dubai. The picture above is from my keynote at a global event in Tokyo last fall.
I’ve been blessed to have taken my career to this stage – but I can’t ever let my success go to my head!
The fact is, I started out on a lot of small stages like the local one in which I will appear in a few weeks. With a 25 year time span as a speaker, I had to “play a lot of small clubs before I hit the big time!” In the early years, to use a rock and roll cliche.
And so a reminder of how you got to your success today is always going back on occasion and playing the clubs!
All of which led to today’s quote. You can enjoy tremendous success in your life and in your career, but if you ever let complacency, recklessness, arrogance or a lack of caution set in, you will have unwound all of the lessons you learned along then way.’’
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