Over the 20 years that I’ve been on stage, I’ve had the opportunity to meet numerous celebrities and entertainers, and have shared some of the most fascinating event venues in the world. But this weekend was kind of special – while travelling with me on a keynote/golf trip, my son Thomas got to meet Joe Biden while we were teeing off!
On occasion, I’ve managed to bring along one of my sons or my wife to one of my event locations. Last year was a huge thrill, when I was invited into NASA’s Goddard Space Center to speak about future trends and innovation. I brought along my 20 year old son Willie, and we had a fabulous behind the scenes tour of the Center that will never be forgotten.
This time, for a keynote in Phoenix, I brought along my son Thomas, and we had opportunities for lots of golf (4 rounds in 3 days).
Including, at Kierland Resort, a surprise and a bit of a shock as Vice President Joe Biden teed off beside us. Tom politely asked for a picture, and got one.
A special thrill. (Biden had an awesome drive!)
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