10 Things That Are True About the Future (It’s fast, it’s everywhere, and you are likely already out of date!)

Category under: Growth, Think Big, Trends

Clearly the rate of change – whether with business models, product life-cycles, skills and knowledge – is speeding up. With such change, there’s a lot of uncertainty within many industries as to what to do next: a senior executive of one client commented to me from his perspective, “…entities are engaged in survival tactics because they don’t know what to do next …”

Innovation is all about adapting to the future – and if the future is coming at you faster, then you need to innovate faster. Innovation shouldn’t be about trying to survive the future – it should be about thriving. Here’s what we know to be true about the future:

  • It’s incredibly fast: Product life-cycles are collapsing. It’s said that half of what students learn in their freshman year about science and technology is obsolete or revised by their senior year. Covid has seen the rate of growth of medical knowledge from doubling every 8 years – to doubling every 78 days. There are furious rates of new scientific discovery. Time is being compressed.

…entities are engaged in survival tactics because they don’t know what to do next …”

  • It involves a huge adaptability gap: Earlier generations – boomers – have had participated in countless “change management workshops,” reflecting the reality that many of them have long struggled with change. Gen-Connect – today’s 35 and under – will never think of change management issue. They just change.
  • It has a huge instantaneity: The average consumer scans 12 feet of shelf space per second. Most news becomes old hat within 12 hours of emerging. We live in the era of the rapid idea-cycle; ideas circle the planet at light speed, and are implemented before they get there.
  • It hits you most when you don’t expect it: Every organization must deal with the reality going forward that “volatility is the new normal, uncertainty is the new reality, ambiguity is the new clarity, and complexity is the new difficulty.”
  • It’s being defined by renegades: Increasingly, the future of many an industry is being defined by industry expatriates, the rebels, the visionary individuals who others did not listen to. When a real innovator can’t innovate within a company, they step outside, form a startup, and spark massive industry change on their own. Before you know, they’ve reinvented you, whether you like it or not.

Gen-Connect – today’s 15 and under – will never think of change management issue. They just change.

  • It involves partnership: Old business models involved asking, “what can we do to run our business better?” The new business model is this: “What can we do to run our customers, suppliers and partners business better?
  • It involves intensity: We must learn to run our business at video-game intensity: in fast paced markets, we need fast paced business capabilities.
  • It’s bigger than you think: I used to joke about the concept of Google becoming a car company; today, Tesla owns the future of the automotive industry. Complacency is a dangerous thing, particular when every organization is faced with constant, relentless external innovation from unexpected competitors.

volatility is the new normal, uncertainty is the new reality, ambiguity is the new clarity, and complexity is the new difficulty.”

  • It involves innovation intensity: With rapid change, everyone in an organization must innovate. Thriving in the future has a leadership that involves everyone in innovation. No idea is too dumb, no opportunity is too small.
  • It comes from experiential capital: With a fast future, you’ve got to learn and relearn. Corporate equity isn’t just money: it’s the cumulative experience and knowledge of the team.

The future is going to hit you whether you like it or not; it’s your approach to it, and how you innovate with it, that defines your future success.


THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.