Daily Inspiration: ““An escape from virtual meetings in 2022? It might very well be the case that just when you thought you were out, it will pull you back in!”

Category under: Daily Inspiration

“An escape from virtual meetings in 2022? It might very well be the case that just when you thought you were out, it will pull you back in!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

People want to get back to normal – and many have decided that despite the reality of pandemic science that Covid is over. Politicians are busy playing into this attitude, trying to bypass scientific reality by passing new laws that will achieve votes but really accomplish little other than delaying reality. And not a surprise – the effectiveness of vaccines is, over time, waning, and so a booster strategy everywhere is imminent.

The upshot of all this is that we aren’t out of our virtual world yet, by any stretch of the imagination. And in fact, as with that famous phrase in the Godfather, later replayed to stunning effect by Stevie van Zandt in the Sopranos, our virtual world is going to keep pulling us back in – again and again!

Where are we at this moment? There is a very deep conflict at play between the desire for what we want and the scientific reality of what we will get. The result is that as a trend, we can expect that VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity – will continue to be our guiding reality for 2022.

I’m living through this. I was on stage at actual in-person events last week, and it was wonderful! And yet, at the same time, volatility rules my future – I was supposed to be in Belgium next week for a keynote, but the event organizer has postponed the event (rightly so) as the numbers in Europe spike once again. The desire to return to normal is regularly being offset by accelerating anxiety.

Look, I know we are all just sick of it, but it’s not like the magic wand of wishful thinking is going to work. I’ve stated this before many times in this forum.

As they say, It ain’t over till it’s over, and this will likely never be over. We need new strategies and thinking going forward, whether it’s with our workplace and workforce, our society, or our mindset.

With that in mind, we should continue to learn new ways of moving forward, challenging ourselves to think about the dramatic new models of leadership, collaboration, knowledge generation, and team building that continue to be needed in this new and complex economy. I continue to invest in my virtual broadcast studio because I remain convinced it will continue to play a role in our complex, volatile world of hybrid connectivity in the years to come.

Because I know I’m going to be pulled back in. Silvio tells me so.



THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.