“Maybe you should highlight your opportunities instead of putting a spotlight on your failures!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
The first version was: “Maybe you should highlight your lack of progress by putting a spotlight on your indecision!” but in the early morning fog before the coffee kicked in, that didn’t seem to have an appropriate positive spin for a Monday! So I flipped it around a bit!
The thinking here is that when we are trying to make progress with something new – a personal reinvention, new business model, an innovative new product or service opportunity – we spend too much time looking back at where we’ve been, rather than looking forward to where we might be going. And since we seem to be hard-wired as a species to do so with a critical eye, it’s our previous failures, not our success, that stands out in the harsh light of analysis.
This means, of course, that maybe we need to work a little harder to refocus our view on the important issues – where we might go next, and what we should do about it!
This goes to the heart of the key attitude that has formed the cornerstone of my key message from the stage over the years: “Some people see the future and see a threat. Innovators see the same future and see an opportunity!”
So with that in mind – start your day today by looking forward, not back! You’ll probably find that it has a big impact not only on your enthusiasm and spirit but also upon your pathway to success!
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