“The scope of your opportunity should only be limited by the scale of your imagination!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
Go on – admit it! You’re scared of taking the time to make an investment in your future because you are uncertain as to what comes next, whether you can accomplish what needs to be done, and the exact timing as to when the future might actually happen!
If that is the case, accept this simple fact: nothing great was ever accomplished by those for whom indecision was the basis of their existence!
It happens to those who make the big bold leaps of faith in a time of uncertainty, in the absence of clarity, and despite the existence of volatility. They are convinced in their hearts that the timing is right to pursue their ideas – because their belief in what they perceive and understand is found in the solid bedrock of their faith in their future.
Later this morning, I’ll be “on stage” for a fantastic event :
I will be speaking to the theme of the future for about 25 minutes – specifically, the future as it will unfold in the next decade, and in particular, how it has now been shaped by the global pandemic. The key point? Guess what, it’s faster!
But then I’m will be spending time with four fantastic panelists who have formed an outline of optimism in their own career and business startup path. It’s a fascinating range of new forms of business – online education, the Industrial Internet of Things, lithium battery recycling, and specialized skills recruiting. I’ve already had a pre-event interview with each of them, and as with all entrepreneurs, I discover a common theme – enthusiasm for their future and belief in their idea.
It should be a fantastic event, and the event title fits the narrative of our time: “The Future is Now: Innovation in 2021.”
Which brings me to a key question to challenge you with as you start your day: are you choosing to be someone who is going to make the future happen, or are you simply going to watch it go by? And in that context, are you thinking too small when the world demands you dream big?
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