Daily Inspiration: Personal Development & Innovation – “You can create more opportunities or you can create more problems. Choose wisely.
April 24, 2024, BY JimCarroll"You can create more opportunities or you can create more problems. Choose wisely." - Futurist Jim...
Daily Inspiration: AI & Risk – “One day soon, we’ll recognize that at this very moment in time, we were on the edge of the arrival of the end of reality – and didn’t have a plan to deal with it”
April 23, 2024, BY JimCarroll"One day soon, we’ll recognize that at this very moment in time, we were on the edge of the...
Feedback – This is Why People Book Me (It Couldn’t Have Been Said Better!)
April 22, 2024, BY JimCarrollSimply put. This was the reaction of a recent client. I take tremendous pride in my work and...
Daily Inspiration: Leadership & Change Management – “To be a part of tomorrow, you need to be a part of the journey!”
April 22, 2024, BY JimCarroll"To be a part of tomorrow, you need to be a part of the journey!" - Futurist Jim Carroll An...
Daily Inspiration: Automotive Industry & Skills – “Yesterday’s knowledge won’t cut it in tomorrow’s world”
April 19, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Yesterday's knowledge won't cut it in tomorrow's world" - Futurist Jim Carroll I asked an...
Daily Inspiration: Upcoming Keynote – “Never hesitate to take on the tough stuff!”
April 18, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Never hesitate to take on the tough stuff!" - Futurist Jim Carroll In some situations,...
Daily Inspiration: The Future of Agriculture – “Excitement should be your destination, and innovation your mode of transport!”
April 17, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Excitement should be your destination, and innovation your mode of transport!" - Futurist Jim...
Daily Inspiration: Innovation – “Don’t just show up. Show up with ideas!”
April 16, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Don’t just show up. Show up with ideas!" - Futurist Jim Carroll There are a lot of people...
Daily Inspiration: Workforce trends – “Retirement? It’s no longer a number, it’s a phase!”
April 15, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Retirement? It's no longer a number, it's a phase!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Years ago - many...
Daily Inspiration: Business volatility – “Today? It’s business as unusual!”
April 12, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Today? It's business as unusual!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Today's photo is from an event I...
Daily Inspiration: AI & Jobs – “Your ability to spot the opportunity will define your ability to counter the threat!”
April 11, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Your ability to spot the opportunity will define your ability to counter the threat!" - Futurist...
Daily Inspiration: Artificial Intelligence – “It’s the reality that matters (not the hype!)”
April 10, 2024, BY JimCarroll"It's the reality that matters (not the hype!)" - Futurist Jim Carroll I have a good friend...
Eclipse 2024 – My Moment with 3 Minutes of Totality
April 9, 2024, BY JimCarrollSo we flew in a private plane to Sherbrooke, Quebec, and this...
Daily Inspiration: Eclipse 2024 – “Make more of the moments that matter!”
April 9, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Make more of the moments that matter!" - Futurist Jim Carroll This was a selfie I took...
Daily Inspiration: Initiative & Momentum – “Your potential lies on the other side of your inaction!”
April 8, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Your potential lies on the other side of your inaction!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I regularly...
Daily Inspiration: Leadership & Disruption – “Yesterday’s ideas won’t work for you tomorrow!”
April 5, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Yesterday’s ideas won’t work for you tomorrow!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Someone asked me...
Daily Inspiration: Leadership – “Erratic leadership will always bring erratic results, but distracted leadership is guaranteed to bring even worse”
April 4, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Erratic leadership will always bring erratic results, but distracted leadership is guaranteed to...
Daily Inspiration: Personal initiative – “Anything can be accomplished with courage!”
April 3, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Anything can be accomplished with courage!" - Futurist Jim Carroll I drew a blank this...
Daily Inspiration: Leadership & Change – “Assumptions are often just a dangerous, delusional certainty!”
April 2, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Assumptions are often just a dangerous, delusional certainty! (Because they will blind you to the...
Daily Inspiration: Personal Motivation – “You will never move forward if you keep looking back!”
April 1, 2024, BY JimCarroll"You will never move forward if you keep looking back!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Some years...
Daily Inspiration: Knowledge & Trends – “Always be prepared to know how little you know!”
March 28, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Always be prepared to know how little you know!" - Futurist Jim Carroll One thing that I...
Daily Inspiration: Change & Leadership – “The future belongs to those who put in the effort to actually go there!”
March 27, 2024, BY JimCarroll"The future belongs to those who put in the effort to actually go there!" - Futurist Jim...
Video: “When we Start Building Gyms for Robots to Learn How to be Robots”
March 26, 2024, BY JimCarrollFuturist Jim Carroll takes you into a fascinating voyage involving artificial intelligence,...
Daily Inspiration: Artificial Intelligence – “… a gymnasium for robots so that robots can learn how to be robots!”
March 26, 2024, BY JimCarroll"We've now entered the stage where we are talking about the need to build a gymnasium for robots so...
Recent AI Keynotes
March 25, 2024, BY JimCarrollJust a few of the recent clients who have had me in for an executive level overview of the real...
Daily Inspiration – Personal Motivation : “If you always end up doing the same thing, you’ll never end up doing the right thing!”
March 25, 2024, BY JimCarroll"If you always end up doing the same thing, you'll never end up doing the right thing!" - Futurist...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class aren’t afraid of big ideas!”
March 22, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class aren't afraid of big ideas!" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim Carroll is...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators focus on pervasive connectivity”
March 21, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators focus on pervasive connectivity" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim...
Keynote: Verisk Insurance Fraud Management Summit – “The End of Reality” – Houston, Texas
March 20, 2024, BY JimCarrollThe insurance industry has long adapted to AI as a powerful analytical tool, particularly with...
Keynote: YPO Gold Houston – “The Acceleration of AI” – Houston, Texas
March 20, 2024, BY JimCarrollWhat do you get when you get a room full of CEOs eager to understand the potential investment and...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators focus on skills partnerships as a key success factor!”
March 20, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators focus on skills partnerships as a key success factor!" - Futurist Jim...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators focus on long term wins through constant incremental improvements”
March 19, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators focus on long term wins through constant incremental improvements" -...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators check their speed and focus on corporate agility”
March 18, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators check their speed and focus on corporate agility" - Futurist Jim...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators focus on ingesting fast ideas”
March 15, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators focus on ingesting fast ideas" - Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist Jim...
Keynote: Concentric Symposium – “AI in Transportation & Logistics” – Orlando, Florida
March 14, 2024, BY JimCarrollThe world of trucking and supply chain management is heavily influenced by accelerating technology,...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators focus on customer-oriented innovation”
March 14, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators focus on customer-oriented innovation" - Futurist Jim...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators continually reinvent their revenue”
March 13, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators continually reinvent their revenue- Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators possess a relentless focus on growth”
March 12, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World class innovators possess a relentless focus on growth"- Futurist Jim Carroll Futurist...
Daily Inspiration: Mastering Innovation – “World class innovators refuse to accept the way things were.”
March 11, 2024, BY JimCarroll"World-class innovators refuse to accept the way things were" - Futurist Jim Carroll How do...
Daily Inspiration: Personal Success – “Your best story is the one you have yet to share!”
March 8, 2024, BY JimCarroll"Your best story is the one you have yet to share!" - Futurist Jim Carroll It’s book week!...
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