Article: ‘Think Like A Farmer’ – The Real Innovators
March 24, 2016, BY JimCarrollThe National Watermelon Association recently ran a blog post, with some succinct coverage of...
Article: 5 Essential Things to Know About the Accelerating Future
March 23, 2016, BY JimCarrollAnother one of my articles for GE Reports has been published. In this era of...
Trend: My thoughts on the future of ‘specialty foods’
February 26, 2016, BY JimCarrollI was recently interviewed by the folks at the Speciality Foods Association, for my thoughts...
Article: “Jim Carroll: Power to the people means energy-sharing”
February 21, 2016, BY JimCarrollA few weeks ago I was interviewed by The Big Issue, a UK publication that is mostly sold by...
3 Ways Energy Innovation Will Heat Up in 2016
January 29, 2016, BY JimCarroll[caption id="attachment_13965" align="alignright" width="309"] The rule of Moore’s Law is...
Video : Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast!
November 17, 2015, BY JimCarrollVideo from my keynote for APICS 2015 in Las Vegas. Simply stated. [wonderplugin_video...
Interview: Jim Carroll on Innovation
October 22, 2015, BY JimCarroll[caption id="attachment_13842" align="aligncenter" width="550"] "I keep discovering things...
Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast: Futurist Jim Carroll Speaks At Worldskills Leaders Forum
October 21, 2015, BY JimCarrollIn August, I had the pleasure of attended the WorldSkills 2015 competition in Sao Paolo Brazil, and...
Avoiding the BIG MISS – Will Your Company and Industry Be the Same in 10 Years?
October 19, 2015, BY JimCarroll[caption id="attachment_13812" align="alignright" width="211"] "As consumer expectations for...
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