The Challenge of Running a Sprint with a Boat Anchor Attached!
November 21, 2018, BY JimCarrollThat's the problem that many financial services industry companies have — they are in a world...
Aligning to Acceleration: Early 2018 Keynote Highlights!
April 30, 2018, BY JimCarrollWow, is it almost May 1? What a fabulous start for 2018, with keynotes in the lsat 4 months at...
Accelerate on Purpose! Leadership in the Era of High Velocity Disruption
April 20, 2018, BY JimCarrollWhile I often speak to audiences of 500 to 7,000, including large scale Las Vegas events, I also...
Keynote Topic: “Disrupting Amazon : Accelerating Strategies for Success in the Era of Industry Transformation”
December 6, 2017, BY JimCarrollI just wrote this one up for the brochure copy for an upcoming 2018 event. The issue of...
The Story Behind the Picture: Disrupt Amazon! Before It Disrupts You.
November 30, 2017, BY JimCarrollIn more industries than you think, Amazon is the elephant in the room. My experience has taught me...
Video: Disruption in the Insurance Industry
November 20, 2017, BY JimCarrollDisruption in the insurance industry is real - and the largest broker/agent association in the US...
Video: “A Little Bit Disruptive!”
October 26, 2017, BY JimCarrollHere's a clip from a recent keynote. It's part of a talk where I cover 20 Disruptive Trends, and...
Keynote: Thing Big, Start Small, Scale Fast: Innovating in the Era of Disruption
June 16, 2017, BY JimCarrollI spent the morning yesterday with the Board of Directors of a multi-billion dollar credit...
Fast Forward: Sharing the Stage with Chris Hadfield and David Suzuki
May 19, 2017, BY JimCarrollGore Mutual is a property and casualty insurance company located in Canada, and they are running a...
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