Daily Inspiration: “Surround yourself with optimists. Always ignore the pessimists!”
March 22, 2017, BY JimCarroll"Surround yourself with optimists. Always ignore the pessimists!" - Jim Carroll Some of the most...
Daily Inspiration: “What made you successful in the last 10 years will not make you successful in the next 10. Given that, what are you going to change in your thinking and your strategy to adjust to this harsh reality?”
March 17, 2017, BY JimCarroll"What made you successful in the last 10 years will not make you successful in the next 10. Given...
Daily Inspiration: “The world needs more people with a new type of degree that I call the Masters in Business Imagination!”
March 16, 2017, BY JimCarroll"The world needs more people with a new type of degree that I call the Masters in Business...
Your Customers Know More Than You Do: Do You Accept That, And What Will You Do About It? Here Are 10 Things You SHOULD Do!
March 15, 2017, BY JimCarrollDoes your organization have the right stuff to deal with todays' information-empowered,...
Daily Inspiration: “Agility is the only antidote for velocity”
March 13, 2017, BY JimCarroll"Agility is the only antidote for velocity" - Jim Carroll Many organizations engage me for an...
Hire People You Don’t Like. Stop Seeking Common Ground. Kill the Committee. & More Ideas to Accelerate Your Reality
March 10, 2017, BY JimCarrollThose who succeed possess a daring need for speed. That's your reality. If you think your world,...
People Will Always Laugh At Your Crazy Ideas: They Are Usually Wrong!
March 10, 2017, BY JimCarrollMany people have a belief system that has them convinced that the world of tomorrow will look much...
Daily Inspiration: “The Best Ideas are Shared Ideas”
February 22, 2017, BY JimCarroll"The best ideas are shared ideas" - Jim Carroll This photo was taken during my keynote for...
Daily Inspiration: “Structure is the enemy of innovation – but if you must, establish a routine that involves being spontaneous!”
February 16, 2017, BY JimCarroll"Structure is the enemy of innovation - but if you must, establish a routine that involves being...
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