Daily Inspiration: “Carroll’s Theorem: Those who are still waiting to adapt to where we will be will never get to where the rest of us already are!”

Category under: Daily Inspiration

“Carroll’s Theorem: Those who are still waiting to adapt to where we will be, will never get to where the rest of us already are!” – Futurist Jim Carroll

People who are stuck in a state of indecision are the ones who ultimately fail. Those of us who moved past aggressive indecision quickly are the winners. We *aren’t* going back to anything like our world as it was before – any time soon. It’s those who have been busy reinventing, rebuilding, redoing, realigning, re-adapting, rethinking who are getting ahead. Those who are waiting to see where we will be – won’t get to where the rest of us are. Enough said.

With that in mind, I’ll replay something I wrote last August that seems to be getting a lot of hits on my Website as I start the day. It’s good guidance for what you need to do to get moving!

If you hang out with successful people, you’ll notice that they share several common attributes all of which are related to their ability to get moving now:

  • an ongoing willingness to learn about the things they don’t know
  • an attitude that involves continual, relentless exploration based on hands-on experience
  • a relentless curiosity as to what makes things ‘tick’
  • a never-ending desire to reinvent their world for what they perceive will happen next
  • a steadfast refusal to accept the status quo
  • avast impatience with the ways that things are
  • an attitude that is driven by the question ‘why not?’
  • a dismissive approach to those who would dare suggest that their idea is a dumb idea
  • a dogged pursuit of their beliefs
  • a history of mistakes that are simply the bedrock for the next step of the journey
  • a mindset that if it is not yet invented, it might as well be!
  • a willingness to ask questions and then, more questions
  • a refusal to accept that things will stay the way they are
  • a relentless effort to shape things to the way they could be
  • an intense frustration with those who are stuck in a rut
  • a burning knowledge that to be stuck in such a rut is a path of doom
  • an ability to ignore those who might say ‘it can’t be done’
  • a determination to prove that it can be done
  • an unbending belief in the direction of their efforts
  • a never-ending investment in building up the time investment with those efforts
  • a motivating sense of purpose that comes from a series of small wins rather than huge home runs

I could go on.

I’m already here, in the future. Are you?


THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.