As your world changes, your mindset matters!
I don’t want to discount the depth of the economic downturn that we now are entering; the fear that people feel; the tragic circumstances that people are finding themselves within; the uncertainty that envelopes us.
Yet I do know that we’ve been here before, and that we know what to do. It’s really easy right now to live with relentless doom and gloom being your focus, but that won’t get you anywhere – fast.
Shortly after the ’08 downturn, I spoke to several hundred manufacturing executives from throughout North America, at IMX Las Vegas — the Interactive Manufacturing Exchange! My talk took a look at the future of manufacturing – and most of the disruptive trends I spoke about, that would define future opportunity, became very real.
Check the headlines I used in my talk. Then listen as I outline the actual date that the ‘big scary headlines’ appeared in print – some 20 years earlier!
Watch it, and ask yourself — are you guilty of focusing on short term volatility — or are focused on opportunity of the long term?
Here’s the original clip posted to YouTube 10 years ago…
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