“The next decade will see unimaginable change to absolutely everything you know. Check your speed!” – #Futurist Jim Carroll
I’ve noticed over the last two years that the phrase, “it’s the era of acceleration!” has worked its way into my keynotes.
With that, this morning, I’m launching my video-cast series for the month, “Insight 2020: Leadership Strategies for the Era of Acceleration”. The first post will come up later this morning at http://insight2020.jimcarroll.com
What is it? Over the last month, I’ve been working with my overseas video producer to put together a series of 20 short, 1 minute video with short, sharp videos. They provide a bit of leadership guidance that I’ve honed from 25 years of helping organizations align themselves to fast technological, business model, competitive and other forms of dramatic change.
It doesn’t take much of a stretch of an imagination to realize that the 2020’s are going to see all kinds of very significant, transformative change.
I capture much of the forthcoming industry change in my post, “20 Trends into 2030: Are You Ready for the Massive Transformation of Just About Everything?” https://2030.jimcarroll.com
20 Trends into 2030: Are You Ready for the Massive Transformation of Just About Everything?
That’s but one example of the type of massive, transformative change that is underway, based on obvious signals that we know about.
It’s the unknown, unforeseen, unimaginable change that has even greater consequences, as we are often ill-prepared for what it might mean.
That’s why speed and agility is critical – to survive and thrive through the next decade, a key success factor will be your ability to act and react to fast moving events and developments. Just when you think you’ve got everything figured out – everything with change.
Bottom line – your change-velocity will determine your potential for success in the era of acceleration. And so today, check your speed!
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