“Prioritize your courage over fear, action over inaction, reality over illusions, mutual respect over grandeur, bold thinking instead of incremental actions, giving back instead of taking from. Above all, prioritize your integrity to your personal values over your constant desire for success!” – Futurist Jim Carroll
I guess I had a lot to say today!
Back in 2002, after the dot.com collapse and the fall of Enron, I actually wrote a few chapters for a book that I gave the working title, “Integrity: How to Get It. How to Keep It.” I abandoned it and moved on, but it reflected much of what has driven my career so far to this point.
I read the 2nd chapter this morning, and it is actually pretty good, presaging many of the challenges that we see in society today. I took a long look at the issue of Enron, the dot.com craze, the rush for money, and the fact that the guardrails for measuring success had seem to come off.
Now consider our world today, 15 years on!
How will you measure success in this crazy, fast paced world?
Is the money you make, or the satisfaction you get from achieving the things you always wanted to achieve? Is it the circle of influential friends that you surround you, or the family who is the rock and foundation for your overall efforts? Is it your ability to bring along a great team for an overall sense of accomplishment, rather than thinking it is all about you?
Success also comes for our ability to make the difficult decisions, and take the difficult steps, to get down that road less travelled. It comes from your ability to vanquish inaction, and finally, actually, beginning to do something.
It comes from your ability to look at the things you fear, and stare them down with a decisive look as you approach them. It comes from ending every day with a feeling that you’ve done something to give a little bit, to those who only have a tiny bit.
It comes from your ability to really set the priorities in your life that truly matter.
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