“You’ll never be extraordinary if you only do the ordinary!”
If you see the ordinary, do the opposite. When there is a status quo, change the quo. When the routine is established, disrupt it. When everyone is running one way – run the other way!
Do you get the point? Need I go on?
If you look at what the extraordinary people do, it’s pretty obvious that they don’t do what everyone else does – they will often do something completely different.
They simply take a different approach; view the problem in a different way; don’t go with the obvious solution; they apply a creative idea to a complex problem.
How do *you* become that type of person? I suspect that for some people, this is just a natural trait. For the rest of us average people, we have to work harder to shed our “ordinariness.” That involves a conscious effort to try to avoid the obvious, and dismantle the expected.
It also involves reaching beyond the normal solution for something big and bolder – remember – Think BIG! Go back to one of my daily quotes a few months ago where I wrote about Dr. Martin Luther King, and the comments of a friend after he was assassinated:
“He was just an ordinary person doing extraordinary things.”
What a goal to live by!
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