2009WherestheGrowth.jpgI wrote this PDF report last spring, before the recession set in. Yet I still think it makes for a lot of powerful arguments as to where we will see industrial and market growth in the future.

From the introduction: Gloom has set in on global markets. Volatility rages. Some organizations have gone into a mode of “aggressive indecision,” deferring action while they try to figure out “what comes next.” A pretty lousy strategy that is doomed to fail in the longer term.

Future oriented leaders understand the reality of growth. They know that we live in a time in which opportunities for growth abound. They’ve aligned the mission of the organization so that they are capitalizing on real opportunity, not short term economic challenges.

Growth is everywhere

It’s easy during a time of economic volatility to lose sight of where the global economy is really headed. Yet while stock markets might rock, innovation thrives.

New ideas continue to be explored, markets grow, and industries emerge. A variety of trends indicate that opportunities for growth continue to surround us.

  • Global food production must double in the next twenty years to match
    population growth. There’s nothing but upside in agriculture!
  • New industries and markets continue to emerge as advancements in the
    science behind energy, infrastructure, connectivity and health care drive fascinating new areas of growth.
  • Many simple and obvious trends drive growth. Generational growth drives the rapid emergence of new markets: by 2020, 17% of the global population will be 65 years or older. Someone will sell a lot of phones with really big buttons!

Think growth. Think opportunity. Innovate for future, don’t stagnate with the past.


  • Read Where’s the growth : global innovation opportunities for the long term
  • Read Infrastructure is the new plastic
  • Read 7 Things to Do Right Now as the Upturn Begins


THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO ARE FAST features the best of the insight from Jim Carroll’s blog, in which he
covers issues related to creativity, innovation and future trends.