Today I provide the opening keynote for the annual Monster Government Solutions Human Capital Management conference for government HR folks in Washington, DC. I’ll be focussing on a look at “human resource issues of 2010”, and how we need more flexibility as we battle the depth of the looming skills crisis. I’ve framed my talk around these themes:
- Rapidity, not rigidity: we need to prepare for rapid skills evolution
- Science, not technology: the root of HR change is found in the rapid rate of scientific change, and it is causing rapid, rapid change with ever trade, career and profession
- Complexity, not simplicity: a key result is that for everyone, “what you need to know to do your job is increasing at an exponential pace
- Volatility, not normalcy: we also need to ensure we are ready for a future in which the unexpected and unknown can have a dramatic new impact on skills issues
- Transformation, not training: we need to adjust our HR thinking for the “just in time knowledge skills”
- Continuity from flexibility: the depth of the boomer skills exodus if of such a degree that we’ll need a lot of flexible work policies in order to retain them
- Attraction, not retention: at the same time, we have to play into the unique career attitudes (i.e. there are no careers, only stepping stones) within Gen-Y
- Variability, not structure: Hollow companies will form the basis for all future corporate success due to the skills crisis
- Lifestyle, not loyalty; statistics show that most everyone in a full time job is stunning unhappy. We can do better
- Imagination, not administration: solving the emerging HR crisis requires new ways of thinking and a willingness to do things differently
HR professionals today must prepare for a skills future that is going to be far more challenging thing we’ve ever seen, and need to think dramatically differently — that’st he focus of my human resource trends keynote today.
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